注: ① DHG 型产品均有定时功能,定时范围: 0~9999min ,控温精度 0.1 ℃ , 温度波动 ± 1 ℃ , “ RT” 表示室温 .
② 除 9623A 、 9425A 、 9626A 电源电压为 380V , 50H 外其余均为 220V , 50Hz 。
③ ( A )表示包括带 A 和不带 A 两种型号产品,带 A 为不锈钢工作室带观察窗,不带 A 为镀锌或一般钢板不带观察窗。
Notes: ① DHG Series has timing function. And the range of timing is 0 to 999min. The temperature control precision is 0.1 ℃ . and the temperature fluctuation is ± 1 ℃ ,”RT” stands of room temperature,
② Except main voltage of model 9623A 、 9426A and 9626A are 380V,59Hz, the others are 220v,50Hz.
③ (A)have “A”andnothave“A”. and “A” means stainless steel working chamber, has the window in the door. The not have means zinc or ordinary steel working chamber, has not window.